Quote of the Day - 1/1/2012

There were two kinds of ambition. The wrong kind seeks power for the sake of power. The right kind of ambition for the power to accomplish any duty, no matter how hard or heavy it proves to be, for the sake of one’s country and for what one believes to be right. - Mignon Eberhart in Run Scared.


Ambition and purpose….the drive behind the actions we take to guide our life. Philosophically we associate the desire for control with integrity and high moral standards too. That is the positive side of ambition and counselors/mentors often encourage us to develop a driving ambition and purpose rather than drifting through life, accepting what comes along.

But - as the quote from Mignon Eberhart points out, you can do all those things and still have the negative result of being drawn to power without the underpinning of integrity and a sound moral compass.

As we begin 2012 and are thinking of the goals we are setting for ourselves, let’s keep in mind that ambition needs integrity and morality to be a healthy part of 2012 plans.