Gleanings of the Week Ending June 8, 2013

The items below were ‘the cream’ of the articles and websites I found this past week. Click on the light green text to look at the article.

Chameleon eye - A colorful and informative ‘image of the day’ from The Scientist

City Lights - An article from The Architects Newspaper about light in urban design. Appealing but counter to the idea that dark skies are nice too.

Do your hair and fingernails grow after death? - The short answer is ‘no’ but there may be a reason they appear to

Slow Motion Hummingbirds - Video of hummingbirds at a feeder

Costa Rica's Self-Sustaining Tree House Community - A community of tree houses complete with indoor plumbing and zip lines

Bees in the bush working hard! - Photos of insects coming to a wildflower south of Nairobi (hint: more than bees) from National Geographic

Mapping the Great Indoors - A microbiologist/ecologist looks at what is growing inside an ordinary house.

Finger Knitting ….and Tents - Reminds me of day camp projects from many years ago.

Real animals that you didn’t know existed - How many of these have you heard about before?

What’s so Great About a World Flight Paths Map? - Comments about a visualization by Michael Markieta (showing the visualization too)

Top 25 Wild Bird Photographs of the Week #43 - My favorite in this batch is the very first one. The bright pink of the flowers and the yellow of the bird really stand out.

Huntington Beach

The vacation in South Carolina was coming to an end when we walked around Huntington Beach State Park in late April. It was the last day before we all headed for home. The park has a beach (obvious from its name) but also includes a boardwalk over the swamp and pine woods. Each one of the areas has something to offer.

It was too cool to wiggle our toes in the water but we picked up shells and I enjoyed the seaweed that was drying out on the beach. There were browns and reds and green. I liked this bit of green on the sand.

From the boardwalk we saw many birds. The egrets were the most common and I’ve posted a lot about them recently so I’ll include two different ones in this post. The robust looking Double Crested Cormorant was surveying the swamp from a piling.

The green heron was on the boardwalk and the supports for it. Green herons are shape shifters. The neck contracts and expands - changing the bird’s look dramatically.

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In the woods, we heard a woodpecker and, after some searching, found it working on a dead pine tree. It is a red-bellied woodpecker.There must have been many insects in the tree because it was focused on a relatively small area of the tree for quite some time - allowing for picture taking.

Charles Towne Landing

Charles Towne Landing State Historic Site is across the Ashley River from Charleston. I visited in late April and just realized I had not posted about the place. It is the earliest colonial settlement in what is now South Carolina - started in 1670. There are exhibits in the museum and from archeological digs throughout the site that help visualize what it was like. There is a replica of a 17th century sailing ship to tour as well.

There is a statue of a Native American situated in the trees. How strange they must have thought the colonists coming in ships and taking command of the land.

The camellias were near the end of their season but a few bushes still had blooms.

Looking out over the marshy land - the Ravenel Bridge is visible in the distance and pelicans are seen frequently.

The place is wild enough to still have raccoons under the trees.

It had been dry enough the few days before we were there for some of the resurrection fern growing on the oaks to be withered (top image) but other limbs still had green fern - allowing for comparison.

This is a place to walk and absorb the history of the place while savoring the outdoors of South Carolina in the spring before it gets too hot.

Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge

Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge was pretty cool and breezy the day we were there in mid-May on our way to Chincoteague. The new visitor center is under construction - and evidently has been for years. The birds were still plentiful and seemed to pose for pictures.

There was a pair of barn swallows that had built their nest in the bird-watching blind. It took us a few minutes to realize that they were trying to get us away from their nest by chattering and glaring at us from just outside the entrance to the blind.

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A great blue heron walked in the shallows - unperturbed by our picture taking although he did walk sedately up onto the sandbar farther away from us eventually.

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The mallards were preening. It took patience to get them both with their heads in a photogenic position.

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We saw bald eagles that were too far away, or moving too fast, to photograph but we managed to notice an immature eagle within range. Blackwater was the first place I saw a Bald Eagle in the wild (over 20 years ago) and it is reassuring that the population of the birds has continued to thrive and increase over those years.

And last but not least there was an osprey nest with a little drama while we watched. We heard the bird on the nest calling and then saw two other birds nearby. The calls brought the mate to the nest and screeching ensued between all four birds with the one on the nest never moving out of position and mate standing just beside. The intruders left and the mate flew away. All calm again at the osprey nest.

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Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge

I’ve posted already about the vultures and egrets at Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge and the sunset/sunrise at the Assateague Island National Seashore. This post is a collection of other aspects of the place that I photographed on our visit in May.

There were ducklings that suddenly appeared from behind a clump of grass with the momma and proceeded to bathe in the water. Some of the ripples in the picture above are actually more ducklings that have temporarily submerged! Hours later it occurred to me that it would have been an excellent time to try testing out the video function in my camera.

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There is a new visitor center at the refuge. The skylights are on top of chimney like structures. They provide light to the inside but not direct sunlight. Good design.

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Does everyone that goes to the beach take at least one bird picture like this one to the left?

We didn’t seen any of the famous Chincoteague ponies in the refuge but there were two mares with colts in the corral next to our inn that were available for adoption. These ponies did not seem as scruffy as I remembered from previous visits when we had seen them in the marsh.

The light house was being renovated but we walked around to see it through the trees. I managed to use the zoom to take a close up of the top with the cables attached to support the renovation work.

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On the way back to the car from the lighthouse - trying to walk faster than the mosquitoes and midges - I managed to notice and photograph a frog beside the path. It seems like 9:00 AM was the wake up time for the insects and nothing deterred them!

Pieces of Shell

Back in April, I picked up shells while watching the sun come up at Surfside Beach, South Carolina. I posted about the sunrise but am just getting around to photographing the shells. Even broken shells attract attention.

Their ridges in gentle, fanning curves

The smooth surfaces worn by water and sand

The bumps where sea urchin spines once anchored

The spirals that have broken open



And some that are still tight.

All of these shells will find a new home around plants in a pot - souvenirs from a spring day at the beach.

Gleanings of the Week Ending June 1, 2013

The items below were ‘the cream’ of the articles and websites I found this past week. Click on the light green text to look at the article.

Have You Ever Heard Virginia Woolf Speak? - A few minutes from a radio broadcast made in 1937.

Two Volcanoes Erupting in Alaska: Scientists Are Monitoring and Providing Alerts On Pavlof and Cleveland Volcanoes - Broader than just about the two eruptions….explains the way the USGS monitors volcanoes overall

Technique to Detect Breast Cancer in Urine Developed - Wouldn’t it be wonderful if this really works and can replace routine mammograms?

Image gallery: frost - From the Weather and Climate page of the Royal Meteorological Society. Use the frame on the left to look at other image galleries. There is also an interesting animation of Hurricane Katrina under ‘Resources’

Cicada Swarmageddon! - Our area of Maryland is on the edge of Brood II of the 17-year cicada which is due to make an appearance this year. We haven’t seen or heard any yet but I enjoyed learning about the less visible parts of the insect’s lifecycle in this video.

Picnicking Through the Ages - We are more likely to use an ice chest and canvas tote rather than a basket….find a picnic table in a park rather than spread a blanket. We still enjoy eating outdoors as we travel. Recently it appears that parks are encouraging people to take home their own trash rather than providing trash cans...a return to pre-park etiquette of picnicking.

First Drug to Significantly Improve Heart Failure Mortality in Over a Decade - Coenzyme Q10….a supplement that is a drug. And other drugs for heart failure depleting the Coenzyme Q10 that the body makes on its own….maybe a feedback loop that, over time, actually made those drugs less helpful to the individual with heart failure.

Resources for Scenario Planning and Futures Thinking - From Richard Watson…pointers to two recent papers. The summary graphics are thought provoking. I spent more time on the second paper - the Cyber Game Board.

Skin Health for all - Confronting the Silent tragedy of Skin Disease - Video of a lecture given at Royal Society of Chemistry earlier this year.

Little White and the Three Toxins - A new species of mushroom…a new toxin?

Egrets at Chincoteague

In the early morning, egrets gathered in the shallows at Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge. The gathering was quite close to a place we could park and we were thrilled that they ignored the noise we made getting out of the car. There were two different kinds. The Great White Egrets are the ones that look calm and sedate in the picture above. They are larger and have yellow beaks. Do you see the two of them in the image?

The other birds are snowy egrets. They have black beaks and yellow or red near the eye. The red is the breeding coloration. They were anything but sedate. The squabbles went on and one with lots of fluffed feathers and then some calming seconds to find a snack or strike a pose. Their feathers often look punkish during breeding season.

The Great White Egrets were more focused on food. They generally ignored the Snowy Egret ruckus but sometimes would be forced to move out of the way. My husband caught two sequences (back and front) of the birds landing after a short flight. The pictures show the wings turning up at the end and the way the wings fold as they are landing - with one last flap before finally settling.


Blue Grosbeak at Chincoteague

We pulled into a parking area in Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge beside the road to look down into the water where the egrets had congregated earlier in the morning. There were a few left that we had spotted. Then we notice a splash of color in the grass. I had the advantage - being in the passenger seat with my camera already in my hand. I rolled down the window and started taking pictures. The door helped steady by hold on the camera as I increased the magnification. After the two birds flew a short distance further way, I was able to get out of the car and follow for a few more minutes of picture taking.

As I took pictures, I thought the birds were indigo buntings. There had been pictures in the Refuge’s visitor center that I remembered from the previous day. An hour later when we were in back in the visitor center, I was not so sure. The blue grosbeak looked pretty similar. I could not be sure on the small screen of the camera and I had not looked at the birds with the binoculars; the beak would have been the key indicator if I suspected the issue while the bird was within sight.

When I got home, I used the All About Birds site while looking at the pictures on a larger screen. Confirmed - it was a blue grosbeak pair! And they were a lot prettier than the vultures I posted about previously.

Ten Days of Little Celebrations - May 2013

Back in August 2012, I posted about finding something to celebrate each day. It’s an easy thing for me to do and the habit of writing it down reminds me to be grateful for these and a myriad of other things in my life. Here are some ‘little celebrations’ I’ve noted this month:

Peonies at the Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden. The whole garden was special but the peonies were the highlight. See the post here.

Rhododendron at the Norfolk Botanical Garden. Lots of beautiful plants and glass artwork…but the rhododendron were at their best. See the post here.

A balanced diet day that met 90% nutritional requirements from food. I started recording me food intake on and learned very quickly that there was room for improvement. First I got the protein/carbs/fat percentages aligned to the recommendation (when I started, fat was overwhelming carbs too frequently); then I started to improve the percentage of nutritional targets I achieved with food (from the low 80s to low 90s). It has be more of a learning experience than I anticipated - and a very positive one.

New camera. I am thoroughly enjoying my new camera (a Canon PowerShot SX280 HS). See some blog posts about it here and here.

Planting seedlings grown in egg shells. I planted some seedlings started in egg shells that are doing well in pots on the deck. See the gleanings post that gave me the idea.

Lowest weight of the year; highest stock market day of the year. These may seem like unrelated metrics but they are both items I monitor daily. It is a day to celebrate when they both move in the right direction on the same day.

Horseshoe crabs at Sandy Point State Park. The view of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge would have been the highlight for me if the day had not been so misty. Instead I flipped over a horseshoe crab that had stranded itself upside down on the beach and celebrated that is crawled back into the water. I’ll be doing a post about the park in a few days.

Osprey, barn swallows, and immature bald eagle at Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge. I cannot pick which of the three birds I enjoyed spotting more! I’ll have a blog post in a few days.

Blue grosbeak and egrets at Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge. The surprise of seeing a purple grosbeak in the wild for the first time was quite a high point…but then the myriad egrets and their antics took the stage. Pictures will be posted in a few days.

Finding a surprise iris in my garden. I thought I had moved all the iris bulbs from the back garden that had gotten too shady to the front garden where they would get more sun. It worked - they are booming in profusely in their new flower bed but I found on lone flower in the back flower bed….a missed bulb that managed to bloom even in the shade. I celebrated its survival.

Vultures at Chincoteague

As I walked back to the parking area near the Marsh Trail at Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge, I noticed a vulture near the top of a dead tree. Pretty soon another bird joined the first. I decided to experiment with the zoom on my new camera. The results are in this post.

Vultures are probably the least beautiful of birds. The head is naked of feathers and their eyes look watery. The mouth is large. They hold themselves in a way that always has a somewhat sinister aspect - hunched, holding their wings in a way that appears to hide something in front of them, spreading their wings to dominate with their size. The two in the tree interacted very little but both spread their wings after a time - I assume to enjoy the warming sunlight on their wings. Many years ago, canoeing on the Guadalupe River in Texas after a night of rain, we saw a tree full of vultures with their wings spread in the sun. I think it was the first time I realized how big the birds are.

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I try to convince myself that these birds fill a useful niche in the environment - cleaning up carrion more quickly than insects, mold, and bacteria can do the job. Still - they are not a bird I want around my neighborhood!

Goslings and Ducklings

When I went to Charleston, South Carolina at the end of April, the goslings and ducklings seemed to be everywhere. The ones I could observe easily were using the waterway through the resort as their base. The Canadian geese were quite plentiful and there were multiple broods - each with two attendants. The goslings were kept together and loud honking from the adults could be heard if anything got too close.

The Mallard ducks were not as good parents. When we first saw the brood, there were 5 ducklings. The next time there were only 4…and then right before we left there were only 3 ducklings. The adults seemed not as attentive to the young. The mother actually flew up onto a retaining wall and left her ducklings milling around in the water trying to figure out how to follow her. And there were turtles in the water. We didn’t see the demise of either of the missing ducklings but the turtles are likely suspects.

Now I wish I would have had my new camera in South Carolina. The picture below of a gosling in Maryland was taken last week with the new camera.

Adventures with a New Camera Part 1

I am experimenting with my new camera - a Canon PowerShot SX280 HS . So far - the experiment has included only the simplest aspects of the camera: using the zoom of my own position to frame the picture want. So far I am impressed with the results.

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At first I expected that the camera would not focus for the close-up flower shots that I have enjoyed capturing with my older camera (a Canon PowerShot SD4500 IS)….but I was pleasantly surprised that it did so well with the azaleas at the left. I like the way the flowers pop out of the image with the light glowing through their petals.

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How well would the camera capture ripples in water? I experimented with an Asian-type composition shown below. I like the results but will have to try again on a sunny day to see what the camera automation will handle the glare from water in brighter light.

The big improvement with the new camera was touted to be the ability to capture clear images with the zoom feature. Plants are easy since they are still (if the breezy does not interfere). The dandelion and fiddlehead were good tests. I liked the clarity of both images - and that I didn’t have to expose myself to the poison ivy that surrounded the dandelion!

Images of birds and small animals will be easier to capture with this camera. It will take some practice but the automatic settings are quite good. My initial attempts with some birds and a squirrel are below. The challenge will be to frame the animals in their natural setting - avoiding things like the twig in front of the squirrel’s nose in the image below.

I am going to enjoy this camera! Maybe I’ll gradually use some of the fancy settings too.

3 Free eBooks - May 2013

The Internet has a growing number of online books…and many of them are free. This is my monthly post highlighting 3 that I have enjoyed most this past month.

National Research Council. Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds. December 2012. Available in several downloadable forms here. A new global trends report is published every 4 years following the US Presidential election. It is intended to provide a framework for thinking about possible futures and their implications. Is our future going to be characterized by stalled engines, fusion, gini-out-of-the-bottle or nonstate world…or some combination?

Paxton, Sir Joseph. Paxton’s Magazine of Botany and Register of Flowering Plants. London: W.S. Orr and Co. 1834-1849. More than 10 volumes available on the Internet Archive here. I can’t resist including at least one eBook with botanical prints. Many of the images are quite recognizable - like the azalea at right.

Dobson, George; Grove, Henry M; Stewart, Hugh; Haenen, F. de. Russia. London, A. and C. Black. 1913. Available from the Internet Archive here. Look at this book for the pictures and realize that it is about that time just before World War I when everything was breaking…no one fathomed just how bad it was going to be or what would be built afterwards on the rubble.

Norfork Botanical Garden

I toured the Norfolk Botanical Garden the day after the Lewis Ginter which I posted about yesterday. The weather was still cool and cloudy but I was surprised at the difference being on the shore and a little further south meant. Quite a range of plants highlighted the visit.

There were the normal spring beauties like May Apples (left) and purple flags (on the right surrounding a Great Blue Heron sculpture).

Roses like cooler weather too. They are better now (and then again in the fall) than in the heat of summer. The yellow ones against the rough block wall relieve the harshness of its new construction.

But the rhododendrons stole the show - similarly to the peonies at the Lewis Ginter. I captured the phases of the clumps of flowers unfurling from tight buds. Don’t rhododendrons have the classic shape of a bouquet fit to be carried in a formal procesession?

There was glass sculpture by Craig Mitchell Smith displayed in the garden. My favorite was the blue jelly fish in the conservatory.

And what about a vine with white flowers unfurling - tight spirals expanding to gentle curves.

To end this very full post - enjoy the graceful curves of an aging tulip and spunky columbines. 


Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden

It was a cold day in early May when I walked around the

Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden

near Richmond VA. Peonies were the high point - along with pitcher plants growing in profusion near the water’s edge and sweet gum leaves seen from the vantage point of a tree house. The peonies were the flowers that seemed to have their own inner glow on a cold cloudy day.

The tulips were almost past their prime but their colors were still interesting. The double (maybe triple) white one in the picture below was quite a surprise both in colors and the number of petals.

Gleanings of the Week Ending May 18, 2013

The items below were ‘the cream’ of the articles I read this past week. Click on the light green text to look at the article.

Cases Of Mysterious Valley Fever Rise In American Southwest - Will we see more stories like this with climate change?

Top 25 Wild Bird Photographs of the Week #42 - My favorite is last one - the plum-headed parakeet.

How Safe Is Your Medicine Cabinet? - With all the data collecting on computers - why are we not monitoring adverse effects of approved drugs more effectively?

Geologists Study Mystery of 'Eternal Flames' - The surprises out there in the natural world…

I am taking two Coursera course right now: Technicity and Nutrition, Health, Lifestyle: Issues and Insights. The links below were items referenced in the classes during the first week and news items that I paid more attention to because my awareness was increased by the lectures.

The Next Age of Megacities - From Ericsson

How will cities secure their water future? - it is going to be quite a challenge with so many cities already depleting current supplies for part of the year

Fat Hormone Controls Diabetes - Research that could provide more options for the treatment of diabetes

Dietary Guidance Calculators and Counters - From USDA

Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 - From USDA

International Food Information Council Foundation 2012 Food & Health Survey (exec summary and full report)

Cronometer tool - Log what you eat and it totals up the calories and nutrients. I learned that I never get enough potassium from food! Screen snap below. Using this tool has tweaked my diet in a positive way.

South Carolina Aquarium

The South Carolina Aquarium is located at the edge of the historic district of Charleston and right on the harbor - with a great view of the Ravenel Bridge. My favorites of the many pictures I took are in the slide show below. The maps behind water (1) and on the floor (10) provided orientation to the area. Alligators (4) and pelicans (5) were both animals we saw elsewhere during our vacation. I had never seen the underside of rays (6) like I did at this aquarium and it was all because there is a ‘feed the rays’ exhibit and they rays are very good at positioning themselves along the glass of the tank to get the food! Have you ever watched a tank of jelly fish (8)? I found it intriguing and soothing in equal measure; they seem so graceful and relaxed.

Charleston Tea Plantation

In late April, I visited the Charleston Tea Plantation - enjoying the beverage samples in the gift shop and the tour on a trolley around the place. I enjoyed the sign that pointed out how far this tea plantation is from the major tea production centers of the world. Growing tea requires warm and moist conditions - not found in the US in many places. Wadmalaw Island is one of the few places where is it possible. The plantation may be a little out of the way from other attractions around Charleston but it is a pleasant drive on a road bordered with large trees….and it is a unique experience.

The location and the flatness of this plantation make it usual for a tea plantation. The flatness here allows for automation that is not possible in mountainous terrain where tea is grown elsewhere. The one-of-a-kind machine shown below clips the new growth from the top of the bushes and collects the cuttings as it rolls down the rows of tea bushes 8-10 times a season.

The processing of the leaves into black, oolong and green tea is done on the plantation too. The factory can be viewed from two sides via big windows and filmed vignettes explain how the equipment operates to produce tea.

A factoid: Once tea bushes are established, they grow so densely that few weeds grow. 

Fiddler Crabs

The tide goes out and the mud comes alive with tiny crustaceans - fiddler crabs. From the boardwalk at Charles Towne Landing in South Carolina, they look like minute bits of flotsam but then their movement gives them away.

I use the zoom on my camera to get a better view. The one at the left gives the impression that he knew he was being watched!

They seem to keep their distance from their neighbors but move around their domain in the muck at peace with their fellow crab. One wonders how they perceive the world and recognize their use as models for aliens. If there were not so small they would be scary.