
Kudzu is smothering trees in our area of Maryland. It isn’t everywhere but it is pretty obvious that it can overwhelm even large trees if left unchecked. This past weekend I volunteered to help plant trees and clear kudzu in a small area. After digging holes and planting trees (oaks and spice bush), we started clearing Kudzu. I didn’t get a good before and after picture. The one included with this post is a tree that was not quite as overwhelmed as the one we focused on. It’s a lot of work and has to be done again and again since it is virtually impossible to get all the parts of the vine that can regenerate. The best part of the morning, for me, was clearing two smaller mounds of kudzu to uncover two small trees that were bowed from the weight of the veins:  a black walnut tree and a cherry tree. I’ll watch the calls for volunteers again in the spring!

Other pictures are posted at this Facebook page!