Back in mid-August I posted about finding things to celebrate each day. It’s been remarkably easy for me. Here’s what I’ve recorded for 10 days:
Sunlight through the trees. Being out and about on a late summer morning with the sun making an ordinary forest of trees look magical.
A family birthday. Not one where everyone can gather to celebrate. This was a savoring of relationships that last a lifetime.
Butterfly stake and solar powered sunflower for the garden…. and the sunflower lit up the 1st night! We had gone to the nursery to buy azaleas; we’d read they could be planted in the early fall or early spring. We were advised that in our area the fall planting is not advised (winter too harsh).
While we were there we looked at the various garden ornaments and bought two of them. They’re both visible from the window over the kitchen sink.
Labor day with hot dogs and corn on the cob and watermelon. Food and celebration go together.
Finding treasure under a bathroom sink - a long lost spritzer of leave-in-conditioner. Isn’t it wonderful to find something you forgot you had….and actually decide it’s something you want!
Black swallowtail caterpillars. They showed up on my parsley plant. Earlier in the season, I might not have celebrated. But I enjoyed photographing them and they’ve already made their cocoons --- and I still have about half my parsley plant left.
Getting rid of stuff via donation. I almost filled the porch on the pick up day. It’s good to clean out at least once a season.
Talking to family on the phone. I started out calling one then another called me almost as soon as I hung up from the first call. For a family scattered all over the country - it’s good to catch up on what’s happening in our lives.
Finding out that a friend who had been very ill is better. It’s scary when a friend is seriously ill…and cause for celebration when they improve.
Doodling oninterfacing-like fabric). I have been doodling on scraps of paper but discovered some scraps of interfacing as I was cleaning out. I celebrated the results of sharpie and interfacing doodling!