Fall at Centennial Park

This past weekend was probably the peak for fall foliage at Centennial Park in Howard County, Maryland. We stopped at the boat launch area first - and a Great Blue Heron flew up and stood for some moments on a pile of rocks! After that start to the hike, we began the 2+ mile loop around the lake. Enjoy the fall scenes in the slide show below: red dogwood leaves, the reflections of trees in the water, water droplets on a grass seed head, a boat on the water, cattails, Canadian geese taking of, lady fingers, faded lily pads distorting the reflection of lots of yellow trees, a frost damaged poke weed, and the lake through an oak curtain…..the scenes of fall at Centennial Park.

Cattails in Winter

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Cattails grow at the edges of just about every pond in my area so they are a common sight throughout the year. Their winter appearance lacks the green lushness of other times but their explosion of down makes them worthy of notice on a winter walk. I've read that native peoples used the down as absorbant material for diapering babies; the peak collection time for cattail down would have been about now.

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Some of the cattails somehow keep their seeds a bit longer...retaining typical velvety brown appearance until well into winter. The picture to the right was taken in January. Perhaps the velvety brown ones are just a few days behind the others. Someone told me a story years ago about cutting cattails in the late fall for a dried flower arrangement....and having them explode a few months later inside her house. What a mess that must have been!

I'm satisfied with observing them outdoors - a highpoint of a winter walk.