Quote of the Day - 1/13/2012

Growth comes about when we are confronted by situations that upset our equilibrium and demand change. - Susan Wittig Albert in Work of Her Own


When was the last time you were confronted with a situation that upset your equilibrium? Was it initiated by a decision you made or did it just happen?

Thinking back - I have upset my equilibrium via key decisions and prompted growth throughout my life: getting married, switching from biology to applied math for graduate studies, going into management, having a child, leaving one multi-decade career path and starting another. Growth was not the reason for the decision but it was certainly a welcome by-product.

Some upsets happen out of our control: a car accident, an illness, gifts, an inheritance, a terrorist event. If they disturb our equilibrium enough…we respond by growing in some way. What we learn…how we grow…helps us achieve control again.

Day-to-day problems are not quite at the ‘upset our equilibrium’ level but they too can prompt growth. For example - several years ago, I noticed that I was always fumbling in the space to the right of my PC keyboard. Since I am right handed, my mouse and writing pad were both on that side. Learning to use my mouse with my left hand was my solution. It was a small change (it took a few weeks to develop the skill with my left hand) but it solved the problem and is now my preferred way of working.

Observing others deal with equilibrium shattering situations may prompt growth activities. Have you observed a kindergarten/first grader recently? Think about what happens as they learn to read. As adults, we ask so much less of ourselves. Why is that? What is the adult equivalent of being in first grade again?

Are your bored? Make a decision that upsets your equilibrium…and let the growth begin.