Recipe of the Week: Pancake Toppings

Pancakes are a quick meal - and not just for breakfast. My husband and I enjoy them as a ‘Breakfast for Dinner’ at least once a week.

I try a different topping for my pancakes almost every week. Here are 5 favorites: 

  • Butter and maple syrup - This is the traditional topping in our household.
  • Sour cream (or plain yogurt) and orange marmalade - A dollop of each. I dip the pancake in each on its way to my mouth.
  • Sautéed apple and raisins in butter. Cut up the apple and start cooking it and the raisins before you start the pancakes. For an extra kick soak the raisins in apricot flavored brandy beforehand. Everything cooks quite rapidly. Sprinkling cinnamon in the pancake batter and the cooking apple adds to the flavor (and the kitchen smells wonderful too).
  • Warmed applesauce and molasses for a stronger flavor.
  • Strawberry chunks with a sprinkle of powdered sugar. Or try whatever fruit is in season with the powdered sugar.
  • Banana pureed with honey in the food processor (add a little water or sweet almond oil to create the consistency you want for the topping). 

Just writing this has made me hungry for pancakes!

Recipe of the Week: Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

Had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich lately? I’m featuring it as the ‘recipe of the week’ because these sandwiches from childhood can still be a great main course for a quick lunch. Here are some ideas to create your ‘grown up’ version of this favorite sandwich:  

  1. First - Choose interesting bread. I like a whole wheat or multi-grain bread but a raisin or cinnamon bread would be a good choice as well.
  2. Second – Pick a peanut butter you like. There are the tried and true ones like Jif or Peter Pan but you may opt for something with fewer additives or a mix of peanut butter with something else. My favorite is still Jif.
  3. Third – The jelly can be the old standby purple grape or something else entirely: red raspberry jelly, orange marmalade, peach jam or even lemon curd. 

Cut in half (or quarters) for easier eating. Do you choose squares or triangles? Which way did you mother generally cut your sandwich…are you nostalgic or wanting to be ‘different’ at this point in your life?

A piece of fruit or finger salad (carrots, celery, little tomatoes) goes well with this sandwich. A gala apple is my favorite.