Quote of the Day 1/2/2012

Fashion wears out more apparel than the man. – Shakespeare




How much attention do you pay to fashion? The diversity of attire in the workplace and public places is so broad that ‘fashion’ comes close to ‘individual choice’ now - probably more so than any other time in history. I certainly haven’t thrown or given any clothing way because it was ‘out of fashion;’ I either wear it out or give it away because I am simply bored with it (or it doesn’t fit me anymore).

Comfort is more important to me than high fashion. Maybe that is true for a lot of people.

  • There used to be outfits in my wardrobe that I thought only looked good with shoes with a lot of heel. I’ve gotten rid of those outfits (and the heels) or decided that I don’t need the height as much as I thought I did. There are still a lot of very high heels in the stores but I don’t see them worn all that frequently. My guess is that people that wear the very high heels, do so for relatively short periods of time and not when they are going to have to walk for any distance.
  • I used to wear dressy sandals with lots of straps. Now I wear flip flops or thick soled walking sandals. I notice a lot of other people wearing the same type shoes. Maybe there will not be as many feet that look misshaped by years of contorting shoes in the years ahead.
  • If clothes don’t fit me well (too tight, too big, hangs funny), I give them away.

There were probably times in my life where the Shakespearean quote was true for me, but not now. Is it true for you?