Favorite Smells of Fall
/What are your favorite smells of fall?
The smells I most strongly associate with fall are:
Leaf tea. The smell of wet leaves and pine needles on walks through the neighborhood or hikes through a forest are earthy and often very much like black tea and herbal teas. They remind me of how much I like hot tea as the weather turns colder.
Harvested herbs like basil and mint. I let them dry on a tray in the kitchen before storing them away for use all during the winter.
Pumpkin pie baking. The wafts of cinnamon, cloves, and ginger are so appealing whether they are the real thing or in candle form.

Roses. Roses tend to burst into bloom when the summer heat wanes. They have a wonderful last hurray in fall before the frost takes them.
What are your favorite smells of fall?