Zooming - December 2013
/The ‘zooming’ post for December includes pieces of Florida pictures (the first 5) and then pictures from Brookside (outdoors and inside the conservatory).

Brookside Gardens is the place for an evening walk through garden themed lights in December. I was there on a cold but sunny day when snow was still on the ground. The conservatory was lush with tropical plants (star fruit, bird of paradise, poinsettias, and bananas) and the model train display.
Outside, the dragon of lights looked relatively tame in the brightness of day and snow clung to the evergreens - and on some of the artificial flowers created with lights. There was a black squirrel sorting through the leaf litter. The Children’s Garden was cherry with colored lights on the white picket fence - but it was too cold to stay for long. There were very few people in the outdoors of the garden and the ones that were moved quickly along the path. It was a day for a brisk walk - or none at all.
The items below were ‘the cream’ of the articles I read this past week. Click on the light green text to look at the article.
Bird-of-Paradise Project - from The Cornell Lab of Ornithology - lots of videos of the birds and how the images were captured too
Image of the Day: ‘Goose Bump’ Muscles - mouse hair follicles
Hans Rosling shatters the myth of “developed” versus “developing” nations - TED talk
Videos From Northeast Blizzard - National Geographic’s pick of 6 videos
Amazing Animal Hearts - heart trivia from the National Wildlife Federations. Did you know that a blue whale’s hear beats only 7 times per minute?
Geocaching - technology supported treasure hunting
Thousands of Merged Photos Display Sun's Surface
Desalination Seen Booming at 15% a Year as World Water Dries Up
A US high speed rail network shouldn't just be a dream - Wouldn’t it be nice to have the option to go high speed rail rather than airplane?
Table of Trends and Technologies for the World in 2020 - A thought provoking list of ideas from Richard Watson. His blog posts about the table is here and here (the second one provides a list of references).
Self-Assembling, Origami-Inspired Particles - lots of nanotechnology potential….how long until truly useful reality?
The conservatories at Brookside Gardens are lush with greenery and flowers - a welcome contrast to outdoor vegetation this time of year. Begonias and bird of paradise…crown of thorns and petunias. Today is a celebration of the flowers!
Celebrating the whole of life....
Thanks for visiting my blog! Enjoy the photo picks from last month:
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