/A feather on the ground always catches my attention. I learned to be on the lookout for them when my daughter was young and carried an old bread bag that contained her feather collection with her on every outing. It was surprising to me how frequently we found a feather to add since I had never really looking for feathers before. Now - almost 20 years later - I still find myself noticing feathers. These days I simply photograph them and leave them wherever they are -
Battered in beach debris
Pristine in the sand....matted on harsh concrete
Fluffy on a tile floor...Arcing on top of the water
On the top of water - held aloft in relative dryness....and beginning to get wet

Standing at attention in the rocks
What is it that is so fascinating and appealing about feathers?
- Is it their relationship to flight
- Or their shape
- Or their structure - the central bib and fine barbs
- Or simply that they are so different from any part of us?