My Nvidia Shield Tablet - Part 1

My Nvidia Shield Tablet arrived just two weeks ago. It is replacing my Kindle Fire which I have used for the past three years: reading eBooks and recording my grocery list….checking email when traveling. The tablet will be used for those same things plus more. So - what convinced me that it was time to replace the Kindle? Here’s my list of the advantages of the tablet that convinced me:

  • Larger, higher resolution screen - less weight
  • Complete version of Android rather than a subset
  • Ability to look at pictures recorded on my camera (via external cable)

The weight difference is not much - 1 ounce less for the tablet - but that, in conjunction with the larger screen was important to me. If it had been heavier, I probably would not have made the decision to replace the Kindle.

Loading Android apps onto the Kindle was always problematic because it did not have a complete implementation of Android. I’m glad the Our Groceries app worked but several apps designed for conferences did not. So - the tablet’s complete version of Android is important to me.

The ability to look at pictures recorded on my camera means that I might be able to forego taking my laptop with me when I travel. In the past I’ve always taken the laptop so that I could review all the images I captured at the end of each day rather than wait until I got home. The tablet screen is not as large as my laptop but it is certainly larger than the camera’s display….and it may be enough for the initial review.

I’ll post my initial set up experiences for the Nvidia Shield Tablet tomorrow.

If you want to look back at my experiences when I first got the Kindle Fire follow these links: week 1, week 2, week 3, 8 months. My Kindle is going to another person that will use it for eBooks only!