Too Cold at Centennial Park
/When I went out to photograph the sunrise (posted here), it seemed like the clouds were clearing and the temperature was pleasant enough - in the 50s - to walk around Centennial Park. A few hours later I got out of the car and realized that my bulky sweater and photo-vest were not going to be warm enough because the breeze was making it feel a lot colder than the mid-50s temperature. We had not walked too far when my husband commented that his coat was adequate but his legs were cold. So we didn’t walk very far! I took a few images as we hurried back to the car.

The canoes looked worn from previous years.

The paddle boats look colorful at the dock; they looked sparkling and new - or maybe we were just far enough not to notice the wear.

The trees were still very bare and the grass brown.
The geese were honking at each other the whole time we were making our brisk walk. And finally one pair was chased away…and a brief quiet reigned before other geese resumed their territorial defense.
Back in the car - I was glad to be out of the wind and warmed by the exertion of the walk.