Returning Home

After being away from about two weeks - it feels very good to be home again.

The trek home began at Love Field (the old Dallas airport that has been renovated and has always been one of Southwest Airline’s hubs). The mural beside the waiting area of the security checkpoint is made of ceramic tile; I barely had time to look at it since I didn’t have to stand in line. Next time I’ll linger and get a good picture.

The airport was more crowded than usual and my flight was delayed by about 30 minutes. Not bad considering the forecast for the afternoon in Baltimore (my destination) was scattered thunderstorms. I used the time to walk around the terminal since travel days always seem to be skewed toward too much sitting. I always pause to look up in the center of the terminal at the ‘cloud’ of flying things (birds, planes, balloons, bees!).

I was delayed a little when I arrived in Baltimore. It always seems to take a long time for the checked luggage to arrive at the carousels. Then there was a huge crowd at the pickup lanes just outside. While my husband fixed dinner - I did the first load of laundry.

I went to bed at ‘east coast bedtime’ rather than ‘central’ and was surprised how easily I slept. I got up a little later the next morning - determined to go through 2 CSA shares that my husband had picked up but not eaten while I was away. I made good use of my food processor to make fruit beety, shred carrots and kohlrabi, and make squash hummus before noon along with a trip to the grocery store and another load of laundry.

By the time I picked up the CSA share - less than 24 hours after returning home - I was beginning to feel like I was almost back to ‘normal’ for being at home!