Homemade Zucchini Hummus and Orange Marmalade
/I have discovered two recipes recently that are so easy to make at home that I won’t be buying the equivalent in the grocery store any time soon. Both recipes are the ones I will make again and again this summer - the 'condiments' of Summer 2015!

Zucchini Hummus
(This recipe uses zucchini rather than chickpeas. A version of it was included in a newsletter from the Gorman Farms CSA on the first week zucchini was included in the share. I modified it slightly - part of joy of cooking as far as I'm concerned.)
1 cup diced raw zucchini
1/3 cup tahini butter
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
2 cloves garlic minced
2 teaspoon cumin
Salt to taste
Put everything in a food processor and process until smooth. Refrigerate and use as dip or salad dressing!
Some variations I am going to try:
- Add fresh basil or mint or both (since I have them growing in deck pots)
- Season with no-salt seasoning blends
- Add lemon or orange zest
- Add a little extra tahini or some olive oil for better salad dress consistency
- Add 1 tablespoon flaxseed meal for thicker consistency
Orange Marmalade
Cut the ends off an orange. Cut into wedges, removing seeds. (Option: If you have the skin and pulp of a lemon after making zucchini hummus, cut it up and add to the orange to make orange/lemon marmalade!). Process in a food processor until skin and pulp are reduced to small bits.
Place process citrus in a small saucepan. Add 1/2 cup sugar and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Set timer for 15 minutes and bring to boil on high heat then the lower the heat to simmer.
Cool. Place in a glass jar with a tight lid (I use a wide mouthed jar that salsa came in). Refrigerate.
I enjoy marmalade in warmed pitas (small) or on toast. It is a wonderful salad dressing either alone or combined with olive oil. Use as a component of dressing for carrot/raisin or celery/apple/raisin or spinach/strawberry salad.