I’ve been at the Howard County Conservancy’s Mt. Pleasant Farm quite a lot this month; it is the peak of the spring field trip season for elementary schools. In the quiet before the buses arrive I capture a bit of the scene:
The flower pot people dressed for summer,
The plantings in bloom on the way to the Honors Garden, and

The wood frogs in the small pool just inside the Honors Garden.
One morning I arrived early enough to walk around one of the short loops and saw a rabbit…that was long gone by the time the children arrived…
And tree swallows at the nesting boxes. Surprisingly - one morning a pair of tree swallows was so intent on building their nest that my hiking group of second graders watched them carrying sticks into the box and chasing away other tree swallows!
May 2015 turned out to be an excellent month for field trips to Mt. Pleasant Farm!