I posted yesterday about the Canadian Geese at Centennial Park. There were other things to see as well. There were gulls on the ice and swooping down for fish in the open water part of the lake. Feathers littered the edge of the ice. This Ring-billed Gull (juvenile) was close enough and stood still long enough for a portrait.
There are quite a few crows around too….cawing attention to the themselves!
There was a tree that had had a large branch cut – probably last fall. It was one of the more colorful natural elements on this winter day. The asymmetry of the cracks caught my attention as well.
This is an example of a not-so-good picture being good enough to identify the birds: a female and male Bufflehead. They are small ducks that winter in our area. There were at least 3 of them feeding in the lake while I was there but they were clearly at the limit of my handheld ‘zoom’ capability.
The mallard ducks were closer. The male was swimming along the edge of the ice (notice the feathers on the edge of the ice)
And the female was a little further into the lake. The pair meandered through the Canadian Geese without harassment.
I took a few ‘intimate landscape pictures: the rocks near the boat launch with a remnant of snow and last season’s plants gone to seed,
The empty nests of Birds Nest Fungus in the same location I photographed them last spring full of ‘eggs,’
And a collection of hardy plants encircled by roots of a tree holding the soil above the level of the path.
It was a warm afternoon for winter…but still cold. And we probably are not done with winter yet. None of the deciduous trees around the lake looked ready for spring and the ice on the lake shows bright white in the background.