Goslings at Brookside Gardens

Last week one of the high points of our visit to Brookside was a group of 7 relatively new goslings making their way through the garden. When we first saw them they were on a grassy slope near the center of the gardens. There were two adult geese herding them along.

I made a last photography just before we left – they had made is safely to the little stream that runs along the edge of Brookside Gardens. The stream is a much better place for the goslings than the ponds because there are turtles in the ponds that are big enough to drown the little ones. (A larger version of the first three images is available by clicking on the pictures.)

In between the grassy hill and the stream – the little group crossed a parking lot with sloping curbs easy enough for the goslings to climb,

Continuing though pine needles and buckeye debris,

Traversing a patch of grass,

Circling some rounds from a recently cut tree,

To reach a gentle slope down to the stream,

The goslings frolicked in the water (it looked like they were rejoicing to finally get to water),

They stayed relatively close together and to the adults at first,

Then became braver – exploring the sides of the stream!