Sunrise Moments
/Sunrise pictures involve timing…a morning with some clouds but not too many to block out the light completely at the critical time…and I have to be in the right place at that time. I know the locations at our house: the front door looks to the east and the forest behind our house gets great morning glow.
I stand on the front porch and use the zoom to get pictures without houses or power lines. The big oak in our front yard is always in the foreground.
On some mornings – the light coming down the trees as the sun comes up is more spectacular. The trees get an orangey glow. Again – I use the zoom on the camera to frame the image without a house or deck in the image.
The seed pods of the tulip poplars look more like flowers in the colorful morning light.
On the morning I took these pictures, the clouds were on the move and the glow on the forest only lasted about 5 minutes…the clouds blinking out the magic light just as I finished with my camera.