eBontanical Prints – April 2024

Twenty more books were added to the botanical print collection in April - available for browsing on Internet Archive. The whole list of 2,862 botanical eBooks can be accessed here. Click on any sample images to get an enlarged version…and the title hyperlink to view the entire volume on Internet Archive. Enjoy the April 2024 eBotanical Prints!

There are two books from the 1500s written by Otto Brunfels – one of the ‘fathers of botany.’ He relied more on his own observations than ancient authors and the woodcuts in his books (done by Hans Weiditz) were also done from life.

Contrafayt Kreèuterbuch * Brunfels, Otto * sample image * 1532

Herbarum vivae eicones * Brunfels, Otto * sample image * 1532

Rembert Dodoens’s Historia frumentorum, leguminum, palustrium et aquatilium herbarum acceorum, quae eo pertinent is also from the 1500s…and he is another ‘father of botany.’

Historia frumentorum, leguminum, palustrium et aquatilium herbarum acceorum, quae eo pertinent * Dodoens, Rembert * sample image * 1566

This month continues the Hortus Malabaricus volumes published in the 1600s that document the varieties and medicinal properties of the flora of the Malabar coast. Note the different scripts/languages that label the plants; they are Latin, Malayalam, Konkani, Arabic, and English.

Hortus Indicus Malabaricus V2 * Reede tot Drakestein, Hendrik van * sample image * 1679

Hortus Indicus Malabaricus V3 * Reede tot Drakestein, Hendrik van * sample image * 1683

Hortus Indicus Malabaricus V4 * Reede tot Drakestein, Hendrik van * sample image * 1683

Hortus Indicus Malabaricus V5 * Reede tot Drakestein, Hendrik van * sample image * 1685

Hortus Indicus Malabaricus V6 * Reede tot Drakestein, Hendrik van * sample image * 1686

Hortus Indicus Malabaricus V7 * Reede tot Drakestein, Hendrik van * sample image * 1688

Hortus Indicus Malabaricus V8 * Reede tot Drakestein, Hendrik van * sample image * 1688

Hortus Indicus Malabaricus V9 * Reede tot Drakestein, Hendrik van * sample image * 1689

Hortus Indicus Malabaricus V10 * Reede tot Drakestein, Hendrik van * sample image * 1690

Hortus Indicus Malabaricus V11 * Reede tot Drakestein, Hendrik van * sample image * 1692

Hortus Indicus Malabaricus V12 * Reede tot Drakestein, Hendrik van * sample image * 1703

2 books were from the 1700s that documented plants from Peru and India respectively.

Hortus Peruvanius medicinalis * Petiver, James * sample image * 1715

Icones plantarum incognitarum quas in India Occidentali * Swartz, Olof * sample image * 1794

I found 4 more volumes of Gartenflora that I hadn’t seen before – from 1878 to 1915.

Gartenflora - 1909 (BD 58) * Regel, Eduard (editor) * sample image * 1909

Gartenflora - 1915 (BD 64) * Regel, Eduard (editor) * sample image * 1915

Gartenflora - 1912 (BD 61) * Regel, Eduard (editor) * sample image * 1912

Gartenflora - 1878 (BD 27) * Regel, Eduard (editor) * sample image * 1878