Supplement to Landscape gardening in Japan * Conder, Josiah; Ogawa, Kengo * sample image * 1893
All about sweet peas * Hutchins, W.T. * sample image * 1894
The modern culture of sweet peas * Stevenson, Thomas * sample image * 1910
Sweet peas and how to grow them * Thomas, Harry Higgott * sample image * 1909
The rose book, a complete guide for amateur rose growers * Thomas, Harry Higgott; Easlea, Walter * sample image * 1914
Field notes of sweet peas * Morse, Lester, L. * sample image * 1916
Illustrations of Conifers - V2 * Clinton-Baker, Henry William * sample image * 1909
Illustrations of Conifers - V3 * Clinton-Baker, Henry William * sample image * 1913
Lawns, and how to make them, together with the proper keeping of putting greens * Barron, Leonard * sample image * 1909
Wayside Trees - Series 1 * Mathews, Ferdinand Shuyler * sample image * 1899
Wayside Trees - Series 2 * Mathews, Ferdinand Shuyler * sample image * 1899
Wayside Trees - Series 3 * Mathews, Ferdinand Shuyler * sample image * 1899
Wayside Trees - Series 4 * Mathews, Ferdinand Shuyler * sample image * 1899
The natural history of plants, their forms, growth, reproduction, and distribution V1 pt 1 * Kerner, Anton Joseph, ritter von Marilaun * sample image * 1896
The natural history of plants, their forms, growth, reproduction, and distribution V2 pt 1 * Kerner, Anton Joseph, ritter von Marilaun * sample image * 1896
The natural history of plants, their forms, growth, reproduction, and distribution V2 pt 2 * Kerner, Anton Joseph, ritter von Marilaun * sample image * 1896
The natural history of plants, their forms, growth, reproduction, and distribution V5 * Kerner, Anton Joseph, ritter von Marilaun * sample image * 1896
The natural history of plants, their forms, growth, reproduction, and distribution V6 * Kerner, Anton Joseph, ritter von Marilaun * sample image * 1896
A handbook of garden irises * Dykes, William Rickatson * sample image * 1924
The genus Iris * Dykes, William Rickatson, Round, F.H. * sample image * 1913
Encyclopédie d'histoire naturelle V1 Bontanique * Chenu, Jean Charles * sample image * 1873
Encyclopédie d'histoire naturelle V2 Bontanique * Chenu, Jean Charles * sample image * 1868