
Poinsettias are a frequent sight this time of year. They are a welcome large bloom in the shortest days of the year and seem to be included in more displays every year. It does not seem that long ago that we only saw red ones but now they come in all shades between white and red. I’ve been collecting images for this post over the past week or so. The large colorful parts of the plants are actually bracts…with the flower of the plant being the small structures surrounded by the colorful bracts. The undersides of the bracts often have prominent veins that may be a different color than the other tissue. Enjoy the varieties of poinsettia in the slide show below…they’re a colorful part of the winter holiday!

Thanksgiving 2014

The cranberry orange relish, pumpkin custard, and gingerbread molasses scones were made yesterday.

The roast is in the crockpot.

The potatoes (sweet and russet) and parsnips (au gratin) are poised to go into the oven.

We’ll light the logs in the fireplace and eat a small salad as football blares.

It’s our tradition.


In the short silences of the day -

Maybe on a neighborhood walk after the big meal, during halftime of the football game -

We’ll talk of the wonder of our lives:

That our long careers were satisfying…

That our family is well…

That the future is full of potential…

That we live the way we wish to live…


And we are full of thanks.

Holiday Plans

I’m working on the grocery list that includes the makings of our Thanksgiving feast and thinking more broadly of the next few months. Along with the holidays, there are family birthdays and anniversaries to consider. I enjoy the traditions woven with events unique to the year. This season is shaping up with a good mix.

We’ll have our traditional crock pot roast for Thanksgiving…along with potatoes (sweet for me, russet for my husband), cranberry orange relish, and pumpkin custard. For the ‘something new’ I might try parsnips au gratin and a small pecan pie (from the bakery).

Rather than shopping on Black Friday, we’ll put up our Christmas decorations: the tree, the pinecone wreath on the door, the collected Christmas cards under plastic on the breakfast table, and flags from the loft railing. We are putting the Christmas tree in a slightly different place this year; they’ll be more re-arrangement of furniture.

We have a two day photography class the first week in December which we’ll watch on the television in the room that has the Christmas tree…we’ll soak up the ambience of the season. I’m making sure we have enough logs for the fireplace.  What a nice coming together of circumstance!

Then I have two days of volunteer work to support holiday events. One is a Holiday Sale for a local non-profit and I’ll buy a good portion of Christmas gifts for my family from the venders there. This is only my second year with the event but I count it in the ‘tradition’ column.

Then my husband travels to the west coast for a conference - which he has been attending for years and it is always in December. It is a tradition - one that we adjust our other holiday plans to accommodate. While he’s gone, I’ll distribute the piles of ‘stuff’ I’ve accumulated for donation and take a look at Brookside Gardens Conservatories. Usually we have a tradition of walking around the Brookside light display but it is not happening this year due to construction/renovation at the gardens.

We have never been to Longwood Gardens in December - but are adding it to our holiday plans this year - for the display in the Conservatory and the lights. It will be a day trip. We can leave after the morning rush hour traffic and delay coming back until after dinner to avoid the evening rush hour. We’ll pick the day to avoid any weather related driving hazard.

Christmas will be quiet with just two of us in the house. I almost made myself sick last year when I bought a whole red velvet cake. This year I think I look for one slice - uphold the tradition but not overindulge!

Our tradition is to take all the Christmas decorations down on New Year’s Eve but we’ve been talking about taking in a ‘First Night’ celebration. It is a toss-up whether we’ll stick with tradition or try something new.

We already have some plans for January too - a trip to Tucson. That is not a tradition but it seems like good timing - the flurry of holidays over and (maybe) a bit warmer weather for a week.  It will be a great way to celebrate a 42nd wedding anniversary.