Black Squirrel

We have a black squirrel visiting our deck occasionally. The zoomed images show that the undercoat fur in not black and the claws are more visible because of the contrast with the coat color. Other than the darker coat, it seems the same as the other squirrels; it doesn’t get seed directly from the feeder either. I’m pretty sure it is in our neighborhood all the time…that our deck/feeder/bird bath are on the edge of its normal territory so we don’t see it every day.

The acorns are not having a big year – so the squirrels may be keener to get the seeds this year. The last few years have been slim for acorns from our oak. I’m not sure if it’s just the normal fluctuation between mast (big acorn) years, if our oak is infected with something that reduces its acorn production, or if the weather in the spring caused a problem. I am pretty sure it was some cold weather in the spring of 2020 but not sure about this year.

Our oak (and the others in our neighborhood) are more important to the long-term health of the squirrels (and other wildlife in our neighborhood – including birds and insects) than our feeder. In an ecosystem being challenged more and more by climate change – we are becoming more aware of how our actions are important to sustaining what is here.