Picking Blackberries

Last week’s ‘new to me’ activity was picking blueberries. I’ve picked strawberries before, but not blueberries. A quick search got me to the UPickFarmsUSA site and I quickly found a farm close to me – Ozark Mountain Orchard…followed the links to their website and Facebook page. My daughter and I made plans and then headed out the next morning while the temperature was still in the 70s. It had rained the night before, but the sun was shining and the forecast had the day warming up fast. The check-in area was well-organized with buckets lined with plastic bags and belts to attach the buckets around your waist so both hands were free to pick berries. The rows to pick were marked with turquoise noodles.

The goal was to pick berries that were ripe (i.e. blue) but not squishy. I did more one-hand picking because of that. The stems on the ripe berries were very easy to pick…so if there was a ripe clump, it was worthwhile to use two hands so none of them dislodged onto the ground rather than a hand. I didn’t make it down to the end of my row before I was hot and tired. My daughter agreed. We headed up the hill to the check-in area to weight our bags and discovered we had both picked about 4 pounds of berries!

We put our bags in an ice chest I had brought….and relaxed with some blueberry lemonade before heading home. When I got home, I immediately rinsed and froze more than half my berries to use in smoothies!

I already have plans for next season – starting earlier in the season (when we went it was probably past the mid-point of the season) and going twice to load up my freezer with blueberries even more! Maybe my sister would be interested in bringing her grandson along --- a great ‘field trip.’