Then and Now – Eye Care

My third-grade teacher was the person that realized I needed glasses – when I couldn’t ever get the right answer during multiplication flashcard drills! That was in the mid-1960s. I remember my first frames were white plastic with tiny pink dots and the lenses were easily scratched. Later in the decade I was wearing rigid contact lenses (soft ones did not exist yet); they provided the best correction for me because they corrected astigmatism perfectly with their rigid surface. In the later 1970s I switched to soft contacts for comfort…but they were never as perfect as the rigid lenses.

These days I am wearing glasses except for close work. For photography – I often look over my glasses to the camera’s screen! I have two pair: single vision computer glasses and progressives with magnetically attached tinted lenses. Doing most of my reading on screens is easier for me than paper-based materials; the brightness of the screens is helpful.

At some point I will need cataract surgery. My dad had his cataract surgery in his mid-70s, but my mother didn’t need it until her 80s. One of my younger sisters had it recently so I know what to expect…however my eye doctor can still correct my vision to 20/20 with glasses so it might not be that soon. Whenever I have it – I hope to enjoy at least some years without having to wear glasses or contacts (except sunglasses); it will be a welcome break after 60+ years.

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