Travels of Sven Hedin

The week’s book post includes 13 books…travel books written and illustrated by Sven Hedin from the late 1800s to the 1930s…available from Internet Archive. As usual – my interest was primarily in the illustrations which include drawings, watercolors, and photographs. The author was Swedish geographer, topographer, and explorer…and the books are his documentation of his work. His sketches of people and places…as well as a picture of himself outfitted for very cold weather in Tibet…make these books good windows into the places as they were.

Adventures in Tibet  (1904)

Bagdad, Babylon, Ninive   (1918)

Durch Asiens Wüsten : drei Jahre auf neuen Wegen in Pamir, Lop-nor, Tibet and China  (1919)

 Through Asia V1  (1898)

Through Asia V2  (1922)

 Southern Tibet  (1913)