Lake Springfield with Identifying Woody Plants Class
/This past week the field class I am taking through Missouri State University added new woody plants to our list from a walk near the Lake Springfield boathouse. I tried to take pictures of most of the new woody plants for this week…and a few from previous weeks:
Marshmallow – Hibiscus – Malvaceae (seed pods)
Green ash – Fraxinus pennsylvanica – Oleaceae (leaves and diamond shapes in the bark)
Black willow – Salix nigra – Salicaceae (leaves/twig)
Osage orange - Maclura pomifera – Moraceae (fruit…and I now have a fruit I am attempting to dry)
Honey locust - Gledistia tricanthos – Fabaceae (tree with drying seed pods)
Privet (non-native) - Ligustrum – Oleaceae (leave with blue fruit)
American hophornbeam – Ostrya virginiana – Betulaceae (leaves with thin, strong twigs)
Post oak – Quercus stellata – Fagaceae (rounded lobed leaves)
Bur oak - Quercus macrocarpa – Fagaceae (leaves…in the red oak group…I also picked up an acorn!)
It was an interesting afternoon…but I was tired afterward.