Zentangle® – September 2023

30 tiles for September. Most of the tiles this were made after I read about Neurographica™ and started making strings for Zentangle tiles with that technique (at first using the ‘penny pushing’ idea). I’ve opted to show the tiles in roughly the order I produced them….without rounding at first.

Then I started making a dark circle at the intersections rather than rounding…and making a pattern in the spaces open to the edge to make a frame.

I progressed to filling in the center too…using color (sometimes). Making these tiles was very ‘Zen’ but they became almost too dense!

Here was one tile that I made with the 8 wedge strategy from August (adding to that ‘set’).


The Zentangle® Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. It was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. “Zentangle” is a registered trademark of Zentangle, Inc. Learn more at zentangle.com.

Zentangle® – August 2023

85 square Zentangle tiles…picking 31 for this post representing August 2023. I decided to challenge myself to use black ink (i.e. no colored inks) in August. I did enjoy colorful cardstock tiles though.

Another challenge to myself was to use a mono-pattern (i.e. “Crescent Moon”)providing some variety with different ‘threads’. 11 of the 31 tiles are that pattern.

Last but not least – I started with a string of 8 wedges and then filled in the edges in varying ways. I made 6 tiles with that strategy!

I realized that using only black ink when I travel makes packing trivial…so I might make tiles that way any time I am away from home ---- but I am looking forward to colored inks in September!


The Zentangle® Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. It was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. “Zentangle” is a registered trademark of Zentangle, Inc. Learn more at zentangle.com.

Ten Little Celebrations – August 2023

Hot summer…plenty to celebrate indoors and out!

Kohlrabi. I rediscovered how much I like kohlrabi after a big one came with my first CSA delivery (more on that later). A quarter was a serving in stir fries and salads. Celebrating another great veggie!

High protein brownies. Wow! 15 grams of protein in a good tasting brownie…worth celebrating. I’ll use this recipe again and again.

Neon cardstock and new pens. My version of celebrating the start of the school year (fall) - new Zentangle supplies!

Rainy days. The rains that came broke the high heat…I celebrated and enjoyed an indoors day. It was great to be able to turn off the sprinkler system for about a week!

Brooklyn Duo.  Celebrated finding Brooklyn Duo on YouTube – music that enhances every day!

Dickerson Park Zoo. Enjoyed our first walk around before the heat of the day got overwhelming…celebrated that it is local to us!

Indigo Bunting. Indigo buntings successfully nested in a bird box near Lake Springfield Boathouse. Celebrating seeing a parent arrive with a caterpillar for the nestlings!

OSU Botanical Garden. A morning walkabout in a botanical garden. Celebrating and appreciating it after attending a funeral the previous day.

Finishing mowing the whole yard. The morning was cool enough that I managed to mow the whole yard rather than splitting it into a 2-morning effort. I celebrated when it was done!

Hummingbird moth. Finding a snowberry clearwing (hummingbird moth) on my pumpkin vine was a pleasant surprise…celebrating the jewel-like insect almost hidden in the green leaves.

Sales Tax Holiday

I took advantage of the sales tax holiday on school supplies in Missouri to buy supplies for Zentangle creation: neon card stock and pens. I cut one page of each of the cardstock colors into 3.5-inch squares to use immediately…and am enjoying one of the black Sharpie gel pens.

New supplies are still a treat – just as they were over 60 years ago when I was in elementary school. The list of supplies was not published in advance by the schools so there was a line to get into the store and pick up things once we had it. My mother always included us in the shopping…if there was a decision on color/style – we got to make it! What made the experience so memorable? Maybe it was the crowd. I can remember savoring the new supplies too – the pristine crayons, the packages of notebook paper, pencils to sharpen, a fabric covered looseleaf notebook.

I don’t think there were sales tax holidays 60 years ago. Perhaps they are what causes a crowd in the school supply area now since the supply lists are published online or available printed in the stores. When I was in the store there was a mother with two children shopping for supplies…it was before 8 AM on the first of day of the 3-day holiday. The store had organized the school supply area for a crowd…anticipating lots of shoppers to come. I was glad to make my purchases early.

Zentangle® – July 2023

31 days in July….31 tiles selected from the 56 I made during the month! I enjoyed the variety of colored pens, starting patterns with the indentions left by cans of cat food in the lightweight cardboard tiles cut from boxes, and experimenting with purple tiles. Enjoy the July 2023 mosaic!


The Zentangle® Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. It was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. “Zentangle” is a registered trademark of Zentangle, Inc. Learn more at zentangle.com.

Zentangle® – June 2023

30 tiles….selected from the ones created in June. Most of the square ones started as white pulpboard coasters; they are thick enough that both sides can be used. It was a good break from the light brown colored tiles cut from cat food box dividers!

15 of the tiles selected are rectangular. It is still my favorite size/shape. My set of gel pens and older ultra-fine-point Sharpies are beginning to sputter; I’ll do one more month with lots of color then maybe take a hiatus from color…designate August as a black and white ink month!


The Zentangle® Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. It was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. “Zentangle” is a registered trademark of Zentangle, Inc. Learn more at zentangle.com.

Zentangle® – May 2023

31 days in May – 31 tiles in the mosaic for the month. I had 53 tiles to choose from…and there were some tough choices to select only 31.

In recent months I have created rectangular tiles; in May there were also square ones although I prefer the rectangular shape. No matter the shape of the tile – the short segments of my day creating a Zentangle tile (or two or three) are islands of calm focus not impacted by whatever else is happening!


The Zentangle® Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. It was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. “Zentangle” is a registered trademark of Zentangle, Inc. Learn more at zentangle.com.

Zentangle® – April 2023

30 days in April…30 tiles selected for the mosaic below.

Almost half of them started out without a frame…just a simple a spiral string. Sometimes the string is highlighted and sometimes it almost disappears. It was fun fitting patterns into the string.

Creating a Zentangle tile or two (or three) has become part of my daily routine. It’s a good way to focus for a few minutes, be creative, and be pleased (or surprised) with the result. Sometimes I think there should be a big display of tiles where I can see them frequently but then I decide that the process of  creating is the most important aspect…I’ll keep boxes of finished tiles but very few of them will ever get a second look!


The Zentangle® Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. It was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. “Zentangle” is a registered trademark of Zentangle, Inc. Learn more at zentangle.com.

Zentangle® – March 2023

31 days in March and 31 Zentangle tiles. The habit of making a tile (or several) every day is entrenched at this point. Seeing patterns in my environment or in the books I am reading…using them as prompts…often surprising myself (in a good way) at what emerges on the tiles.   It feels good while I am creating each tile and then looking back at the month’s production. This month there were a few tiles that carried over from the ‘5 circles’ pattern from February…but ‘7 circles’ or ‘9 circles.’

I continued to prefer the rectangular tiles….and enjoyed a variety of patterns and colors (some new pens). I tended to use the paradox pattern in quite a few places. I spent the two hours it took to get my car serviced making Zentangle tiles…got so involved that I didn’t read the book I had on my phone at all!

There was only one square tile the whole month and I liked one side of it enough to select it as the 31st tile!


The Zentangle® Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. It was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. “Zentangle” is a registered trademark of Zentangle, Inc. Learn more at zentangle.com.

Zentangle® – January 2023

I created 97 tiles in January…made some hard choices to select the 31 to feature in the blog post. The skew toward square tiles continued. I am enjoying new pens too. In addition, I found a great red gel pen in a draw with pencils and ballpoints in Carrollton…not sure where it came from but it was fun to use; red became the most frequent color for the month!


The Zentangle® Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. It was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. “Zentangle” is a registered trademark of Zentangle, Inc. Learn more at zentangle.com.

Zentangle® – December 2022

31 tiles selected from those made in December. There were not as many to choose from as usual. My week in Carrollton was so busy that I didn’t make as many tiles…and crocheting was competing for time (and had priority since I was working on a lacy white scarf I wanted to wear during the holidays).

Most tiles are square this month…and include experiments with a variety of pens.

Enjoy the December 2022 mosaic!


The Zentangle® Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. It was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. “Zentangle” is a registered trademark of Zentangle, Inc. Learn more at zentangle.com.

Zentangle® – November 2022

30 Zentangle tiles made in November…or rather 30 chosen from the much larger number of tiles I made during the month. The tiles are all squares this month – a rare occurrence for me. I was trying not jump ahead to December motifs but couldn’t resist a cluster of stylized trees and red dots! Otherwise, I stayed focused on the fading green and orange color pallet for fall…and then using up gel pens from my sister’s teaching career for the tiles I made while I was in Carrollton.

Enjoy the November 2022 mosaic!


The Zentangle® Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. It was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. “Zentangle” is a registered trademark of Zentangle, Inc. Learn more at zentangle.com.

Happy Thanksgiving 2022!

We are at home for Thanksgiving. Our daughter and son-in-law are coming for the midday feast. I started cooking on Wednesday – making rice pudding and pumpkin custard (pecans on top) for the desserts. I hadn’t planned the rice pudding originally, but we had leftover rice from Chinese takeout…and I decided making pudding was a good way to use it! It was a full oven!

The appetizer this year is Impossible Burger meatballs (with a variety of sauces). This is a first – an experiment to see if they are good enough to be one of the “heavy hors d’oeuvres” for my parents’ 70th wedding anniversary later in the year.

The meal with be brisket (our tradition since my husband does not like turkey), sage dressing with added cranberries, Waldorf salad (apples, celery, raisins, walnuts).

There will be mulled cider – to drink and to make the whole house smell wonderful.

I made a mosaic of Zentangle tiles under a clear plastic mat for the center of the table.

There is so much to be thankful for this year….some of the ones I think of immediately are below but there are so many more. 2022 has been a good year.

  • The addition of a grandnephew to our extended family…the first baby in over 20 years

  • My elderly parents enjoying some recent changes we made to their garden room and the flower bed just outside --- their health and well-being

  • Adding more face to face activities with our daughter now that we are living in Missouir

  • Realizing that we successfully made a long-distance move…enjoying our new house…home

  • The waning of the pandemic…and our improved understanding of mask wearing for avoid respiratory infections

Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the flurry of celebrations for our family: my birthday, my parents’ 70th wedding anniversary, Christmas, New Years, our 50th wedding anniversary….a lot to look forward too!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Zentangle® – October 2022

31 days in October….31 Zentangle tiles. A lot of the tiles this month have a seasonal palette: orange, muted red, pale green. I had a purple gel pin that I was using up too. Most of the tiles in the mosaic were made in London, Ontario during the hotel room part of my ‘retreat’ from my normal routine. One of the ways I filled the time I gained from not doing online activities or interacting with people was making the tiles. I had taken plenty of supplies.

I also drew 31 tiles that I didn’t color. I’ll probably finish them next month…maybe post the before and after images.  


The Zentangle® Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. It was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. “Zentangle” is a registered trademark of Zentangle, Inc. Learn more at zentangle.com.

Zentangle® – September 2022

“30 days has September…so this post features 30 tiles. I was consciously using a variety of colors (inks and tiles) and patterns. Some of the tiles were made in Texas…I seem to create a lot of tiles during the week I am at my parents’ house while I sit with them as they watch television or work on a jigsaw puzzle. I am still using older pens and tiles from recycled materials although there were a few official Zentangle tiles I found from a class I went to several years ago…rediscovered when I was packing to move from Maryland to Missouri.


The Zentangle® Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. It was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. “Zentangle” is a registered trademark of Zentangle, Inc. Learn more at zentangle.com.

Zentangle® – August 2022

31 days in August – and 31 tiles selected for this post! There are more since two of the ‘tiles’ are mosaics of 6 triangular tiles!

There is a little skew toward rectangular tiles this month. All of them were made at home in Missouri. I tend to enjoy the slightly larger format. I have a green paint pen that I use to fill some of the larger areas. I’ve been thinking about the trends in the tiles I am making now. There is joy is not preplanning too much…just starting out and letting the tile emerge from the string or a simple initial pattern…enjoying the color application is much as the drawing!

Many of the square tiles were made in Carrollton…enjoying the leftover gel pens from my sister’s teaching career. I deplete a few more every time I am in Carrollton.


The Zentangle® Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. It was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. “Zentangle” is a registered trademark of Zentangle, Inc. Learn more at zentangle.com.

Gothic Ornament eBooks by John Henry Parker

John Henry Parker published archeology/architecture books in the mid-1800s and I am featuring his books on Gothic ornament as the ‘books of the week.’ There are three of them available on Internet Archive.

A manual of gothic mouldings, and continuous ornament (1847)

A manual of gothic stone carving (1855)

A manual of surface ornament (1855)

The images are great prompts for Zentangle tiles!

I also think about the ornaments in terms of history – the people that labored to create them, the places where their work survived, and how the spaces were used…are still used today – or maybe how the wars between the 1850s and today might have destroyed some of them. The ornaments on outer surfaces of buildings could been damaged by the elements or air pollution too. So – these books also represent a snapshot of what was observable at the time Parker wrote.

He also published a series of books about Rome: The Archeology of Rome which are available on Internet Archive…worth browsing.

Zentangle® – July 2022

31 days in July….31 Zentangle tiles! I made 100 during the month so had plenty to choose from. The majority were circular or square since those are the ones I tend to make when I am traveling…and I made a lot of tiles on the2 road trips in July: to Maryland/back to Missouri and visiting my parents in Texas. I have a box that holds tiles and a few pens that is easy to pack; the color palette is limited though. In Texas, I use some aging gel pens left over from my sister’s teaching career; more and more of them are dry or out of ink each time I visit. Enjoy my July 2022 Zentangle mosaic!


The Zentangle® Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. It was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. “Zentangle” is a registered trademark of Zentangle, Inc. Learn more at zentangle.com.

Zentangle® – June 2022

30 Zentangle tiles for June; it was challenging find the time to make tiles in June with the crescendo of activity for our move to Missouri…but very worthwhile to help me decompress.

I found myself enjoying new Sharpie Ultra Fine pens and savoring some newly discovered gel pins; both provided the smooth glide of color onto the variety of tile materials during the month. The paper coasters (round and square) were in the box I carried with me on all my travels. I rediscovered an unopened box of the round ones as I was packing…will return to them in the months ahead.

My favorite tiles are probably the light brown ones made from recycled lightweight cardboard or old file folders. Both square

And rectangular.

There are still a few tiles made from old pocket folders saved my daughter’s K-12 days; I found more of those folders as I packed to move…will cut them into tiles as some point.

I had a few tiles that were a narrower rectangle…the back of pads of paper I used up….and then had the cardboard left to repurpose!


The Zentangle® Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. It was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. “Zentangle” is a registered trademark of Zentangle, Inc. Learn more at zentangle.com.

Zentangle® – May 2022

31 Zentangle tiles for May. It was a little more challenging to do one a day with the flurry of activity getting ready to move….but I did it (although with fewer extra tiles than usual). There were more rectangular tiles in May because I was at home; the rectangular tiles don’t fit as well as the square tiles in the box is take when I travel as happened in prior months…and will happen in June too.


The Zentangle® Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. It was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. “Zentangle” is a registered trademark of Zentangle, Inc. Learn more at zentangle.com.