Spider Webs at Brookside Gardens

Every time I volunteer at Brookside Gardens, I go a little early and look around the gardens for about 20 minutes. One day I parked at the Visitor Center parking lot rather than near the conservatory and walked the path between the two locations. The lighting was good for seeing spider webs.

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This one still looks relatively ‘new’ – no giant holes from catching some prey. Some of the anchor strands are visible too. I liked the neat semicircle shape.

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Most of the time the webs are more circular. I was disappointed that I couldn’t get a better angle on this one to see the complete web…but the spider is waiting in the center!

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Once I got close to the conservatory I noticed a lot of webs on the bushes at the side of the building. As I started photographing this one…the owner-spider made an appearance…surprising me enough that I only took one more picture of the web!

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Some of the webs in the bushes were like little hammocks and this one had relatively large water droplets. It was more three dimensional that the picture captures. I decided that I still liked the image because of the water droplets on the web (there naturally…I was not carrying around a spray bottle!) and the foliage.

One of the greatest joys of these little walks before going into the conservatory is seeing something unexpected and unique for the morning. On this sunny morning….it was the spider webs!