Cold Morning at Conowingo

The sun was just coming up when we were driving to the Conowingo Dam on the Susquehanna River…hoping to see bald eagles.

It was very cold, and we had winter gear to put on to put over our regular clothes when we got there: winter boots, snow pants, coats with hoods, scarves, gloves, handwarmers, footwarmers. It didn’t seem like there was much action when we got there but there were enough photographers that we thought there would likely be something to see. We bundled up. I put on my KF94 mask to keep my nose and lower part of my face warm. The temperature was in the mid-20s.

And then all we saw were gulls feeding in the churning water coming from the dam…too far away for good pictures. The black vultures were absent….first time we’ve been to Conowingo and not seen them. I put my camera on maximum zoom to scan the rocks and towers across the river; my husband was doing the same thing. No eagles.

I was just about to give up in frustration when I turned around and saw an eagle high in a tree on the hill behind me! There were branches in the way, but I managed to focus on the bird. The top of the head had a little brown. Maybe an early adult?

Then we spotted an eagle soaring and circling around us. Unfortunately, there was a vehicle leaving the secured parking lot and we couldn’t stand where we needed to photograph it in the air. But it was awesome to watch…and we saw where it landed in a tulip poplar tree with lots of seed pods.

While we were positioned to photograph the bird that had been soaring…we heard eagles nearby….realized the sound was not from the one we were photographing. We walked back so we could see the location where the first eagle had been perched. It was still there…and there was another eagle that was perched nearby! The sounds we heard must have been from from their interaction when the second eagle arrived!

The eagle on the right below is the one we saw first….the one on the left is the new arrival.

Overall – seeing 3 eagles – even if they were only in the trees – was awesome compared to the frustration of the first 15 minutes we were at Conowingo! Patience and looking around made the morning!