Last Images from Texas
/I was checking my SD cards in all my cameras and discovered some ‘new’ images from my last days in Texas during November.
There were still roses blooming on the oldest rosebush at my parents (about 30 years old)..
The cosmos were attracting butterflies. There might have been monarchs migrating through since some seemed larger than others.
The place still had a look of summer.
Over at Josey Ranch Lake….there was a different story. More winter migrants had arrived.
American Wigeon
Pied-bill Grebe
There were also more American Coots that before…and they were not happy to have so many of their kind around…squabbles were happening frequently with one or both birds running across the surface of the water.
A Great Egret was hunting in the shallows and
A Great Blue Heron had waded into deeper water for a bath.
Overall….the images were a way to savor the good experience of my weeks in Texas last month.