Brookside Gardens in September 2021 – Hummingbird
/We visited Brookside Gardens last week – getting there about 9 AM when the temperature was still very pleasant. Our goal was to see some hummingbirds in the fragrance garden. We chose a weekday to avoid the crowd of photographers with the same objective in mind; the plan worked, and we were the only ones in the area the hummingbirds frequent. This is the toward end of the season for hummingbirds and the females are the ones still around…the males are already further south. We saw and heard the little birds almost immediately.
I was using my bridge camera (Canon Powershot SX70 HS) in Program mode…mounted on a monopod. That gear works well for me because it is maneuverable and has a lot of magnification adjustable with a fingertip. The camera also has a burst mode that worked well during this attempt. It helped that it was a sunny day – plenty of light on the birds!
Even though I saw hummingbirds frequently – in the trees, in the air, quickly flitting over the flowers – I only managed one good series of images. It was feeding near the middle of the bed with flowers attractive to hummingbirds. I’ve selected the 12 best pictures from the bursts of images I took for the slideshow below.

Note how compact the body of the bird is with the feet not visible at all. The muscles it takes to move the wings so rapidly to maneuver into position relative to flowers must be in excellent condition – and require a lot of energy. The bird looked nicely rounded; hopefully this bodes well for a successful migration south for the winter.
More about out visit to the gardens over the next few days about the insects and plants we saw…