Sequoyah State Park (2)
/There was a hill on the other side of the lake – darkening the horizon. We were on a boat dock that jutted out into the lake a short distance (identified on our walk the previous day as the ‘sunrise spot’). There were two pelicans on the water when we arrived! They flew off to start their day elsewhere before the sun was up.
The park is a mix of developed and natural; there is a golf course and communication towers along with the cabins and lodge.
But the forest and native plants seem to be holding their own.
A fisherman was also enjoying the morning on a neighboring dock.
A heron was still (or preening) in the shallows of a nearby cove.
The sun lit a nearby hilltop…
And waves of cormorants (and maybe some gulls too) began coming around the point flying northward.
The vegetation lit up with morning light.
Two killdeer flew into the nearby shore. They continued their conversation with each other while we took pictures.
As we packed up the car – the last picture of our visit: starlings on the wire.