2024 in Review: Travel and Classes

2024 was a year we ramped up our travel and educational activities – almost to the pre-COVID levels. Both involve being out and about with groups of people….great opportunities to enjoy the place and engage social skills more frequently. Since we now live in the center of the country rather than the east coast, our travel has been via road trips rather than flying; we are not missing the hassle of airports and rental cars!

The travel included two birding festivals (Whooping Crane Festival and Festival of the Cranes) and a solar eclipse…and frequent trips (at least monthly) to Dallas for family visits.

There are accommodations my husband and I (4 years older than when we travelled pre-COVID) are developing for ourselves to ensure that we feel good when we travel:

  • stretch breaks every hour or so when we are driving

  • exercise regime that works in hotels to minimize aches and pains

  • eating almost the same as we do at home (big meal in the middle of the day, extra veggies for me)

  • keeping our sleep time on central time (if possible)

Both my husband and I have been doing online webinars for a long time. This last fall I re-started in-person classes with the Missouri Master Naturalist Training and a class at Missouri State University (Identifying Woody Plants). The master naturalist training was a path toward creating the level and type of volunteering I had enjoyed in Maryland; it lived up to my expectation of continuing the transition to ‘Missouri as home.’

The university class was the first time I had taken a university class since the 1980s and was something to savor because of that and the topic/professor/other students; I found that taking a university class without the pressure of needing a grade or hurrying off to my job was pleasantly different from any of my prior experience.

2024 was a year that saw us settled in our new home in Missouri and increasing both our travel and in-person classes activity. The travel will be sustained (or increased slightly in 2025). The in-person classes might be reduced since there is nothing equivalent to another master naturalist core training, but my volunteering in 2025 is likely to be significantly more than it was in 2024.

2024 in Review - Photography

Picking two pictures per month of 2024 was challenging….but a joy. The activity reminded me of times in Texas and at home…the solar eclipse…short trips to Arkansas and longer ones to the Texas gulf coast and New Mexico. They are all taken outdoors. I am celebrating 2024 through these images!

2024 in Review – Home

This is the second post reviewing what happened to me in 2024; this one is focused on my home.

My favorite place is being at home – and I think that is true for my husband as well. The house that we bought a little over 2 years ago suits our needs very well. We have enough room for hobbies we enjoy individually and together.

My husband has enjoyed experimenting with his new telescope from our back yard…pleasantly surprised at what he can photograph even with the amount of extra light from our neighborhood and surrounding suburbs.

My office has windows on 3 sides…all with pleasant views of our back yard. It’s my favorite room of the house and where I create most of my Zentangle tiles, read most of my books, write my blog, and study. Most of my time is at the corner table that contains my Macbook Air and two monitors. I like the mini-kitchen nearby for making popcorn and hot chocolate.

I am beginning to mount some of my Zentangle tiles on old vertical blinds (separated from their frame)…making displays around my office. My mother’s painting of a dogwood flower is in the place I usually put a Christmas wreath; I am leaving the painting there for this year – remembering Thanksgiving – wedding anniversary – Christmas 2024 – which was her last.

We’ve arranged two old rocker recliners that we hadn’t used much since moving from Maryland in front of window for our FeederWatch sessions. The thirty minutes twice a day for 2 consecutive days each week for a ‘count’ has become a new shared endeavor that we both enjoy.

My husband’s office has been tweaked over the past year – a table to support a standing workstation has come and gone. The keyboards/synthesizer have been moved to add the table and then returned to their original spot when his experiment of standing while working at his computer ended (not a success). He has a new monitor – big enough that one is sufficient, and I have his two ‘old’ monitors in my office.

Our three cats enjoy the entirety of the first floor, and we are considering opening up part of the basement to them. They are adept at opening doors with lever knobs; my husband plans to replace 3 lever knobs to keep them out of some parts of the basement….a project for later this month or maybe early 2025.

Previous 2024 in Review posts

2024 in Review – Life Events

This is the first post reviewing what happened to me in 2024; I’m starting with the big events.

2024 included a bigger-than-usual event…perhaps even a pivot point in my life: my mother died. We had shared our lives for over 70 years; no one else can fill the gap completely. The months leading up to her death (hospitalization, moving to assisted living, rallying, COVID-19) and the immediate aftermath (the funeral, selling my parents’ house, finalizing her financial affairs, comforting my father) are still fresh in my memory. I’m not completely sure that the pivot is complete even now. My relationship with my siblings (3 sisters) is still changing.

All the other events of 2024 are not as life changing:

Taking the Identifying Wood Plants class at Missouri State University and the Missouri Master Naturalist training were an important step back to pre-COVID times. Both have prompted an uptick in volunteering and discovering ‘favorite places’ close to home.

Attending a funeral for my cousin. She was more than a decade younger than me, and we had not seen each other frequently in recent years. It happened not that long after my mother’s death and the sadness was quite different…for a life that ended early.

I made many short trips (day trips, one or two nights away from home) with my daughter. Sometimes with my husband along too. There are so many new places to explore when one moves to a new part of the country. We have been here in Missouri for 2.5 years and there still seems a lot to see for the first time within the ‘short trip’ range.