Ritter Springs Park
/Another fall foliage outing we enjoyed a week or so ago….
Ritter Springs Park is north of Springfield. We took a scenic route to get there and then hiked to the lake and back. I was with my husband and daughter who were intent on hiking rather than photography….so I didn’t take many pictures.
There were lots of oaks and hickories…hackberries…sweet gum. I picked up several cones from the Norway Spruce that was near the parking lot; they will make a fourth type of pinecone in my tree educational trunk!
The water level at the lake was low but still flowing out into the stream below the dam. There were dead leaves in the shallow water beginning to decay…lots of food for the macroinvertebrates in the water.

I read on the park’s web page that there is a summer camp there. I wondered how they handled the campers when thunderstorms come though since there is only a pavilion (not a building). Otherwise, the place has a lot to offer for a summer camp.