Wildcat Glades and Shoal Creek

An hour into my last road trip to Dallas, I made a planned stop at Wildcat Glades and the Shoal Creek Conservation Education Center. It was shortly after 7 AM and a Monday so the center was not open but my purpose was to just explore the area little….see if it would be worth returning for hiking and photography. I walked around the native wildflower plantings in the Wildcat Glades Friends Group area and then drove around to the Wildcat boat ramp. I was there for about 20 minutes; it was obvious that it would be a great place to visit on summer mornings!

One of the buildings in the friends group area has a mural of wildflowers!

But this time of year, there are real flowers in bloom!

There was a luna moth sculpture in one of the beds.

There was a good-sized stand of milkweed with a monarch butterfly sculpture too. The morning was still cool enough that there wasn’t much insect activity.

There were bluebirds in one of the boxes. A bit of drama: there was a bird chasing a squirrel along a fence top; the squirrel paused…and the small bird rammed into its rump!

When I drove around to the boat launch, there were rabbits at the edge of the road (and on the road). They didn’t seem to be paying any attention at all to my car, so I took a few pictures and moved very slowly.

My husband is amenable to making a field trip to do some hiking and birding in the area so stay tuned for a blog post about a longer visit.