House & Garden Gleanings
/I have finally browsed all the House & Garden magazines I found on Internet Archive…from 1901 to 1993! I started back in November 2020….and browsed one or two of the volumes on most days. This post is the grand finale from the volumes I browsed through in 2021 – featuring a few items that caught my attention from the 1940s onward that I haven’t already featured in a blog post (previous posts: Newport Teahouse and Green Animals on 3/12, The White House in 1940 on 1/21, House & Garden Magazines on 12/16/2020).
In the volume from the second half of 1941 – a page of old-fashioned Christmas tree decorations. I was surprised that the paper chains that I made in the 1960s had been around since at least the 1940s!
The cover of the volume from the first half of 1942 featured “Planning a Defense Garden” – a reminder of the impact of World War II.
In the volume from the second half of 1962 – pictures of the White House. I would have been in the second grade.
There were two things I’m highlighting from the volume from the first half of 1970.
The first is an advertisement for a ceramic stove top. It was the first time I’d seen one in the magazine. It took a long time for the technology to mature!
The second is a story from the Ladew Topiary Garden. We went several times when my daughter was young in the early 1990s since it is not far from Baltimore.
In the second half of 1971 volume – there is an ad for a Sears lamps that my parents bought (the chain and table versions) and gave to us a few years later. We donated them sometime in the mid-1980s.
There was an article about the White House (again) in early 1973. This was about the time I got married.
Longwood Gardens was in the Christmas issue in 1977. This was years before I visited the gardens.
In the volume from the middle of 1985, there was an article about Mount Vernon. We had moved to the Washington DC area in 1983 and Mount Vernon was one of our favorite places to take family members that came to visit.
In the fall of 1986, the magazine had an article about Dumbarton Oaks. My husband and I were attending some Smithsonian Associates programs around that time and Dumbarton Oaks was one of the places we toured. I remember it was the first place I saw a black squirrel.
In early 1987, the magazine had some pictures from Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, CA. We had friends that lived in the area that we visited about that time, but I never toured the house until 20 years later when I was there for work and had an afternoon on my own.
There were repeats of locations too – Mount Vernon again in 1989
And Ladew Topiary again in 1992 (which might have been close to the time we took my daughter as a toddler).
There was an article about Monticello in 1993.
Overall – I enjoyed browsing all the magazines….a little history…reminders of places I’d been…ideas for what I might do in my own home (or not).