Baltimore Birding – part 2

Continuing from yesterday’s post….

We continued along the Gwynn Falls/Middle Branch trail and it seemed to get darker and wetter. Here were mushrooms coming up in the grass beside the path.

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My husband held the umbrella while I took a picture of a yellow warbler and

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Some very wet flowers.

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The cedar waxwing only showed up in silhouette.

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We walked out of the trail and closed the loop back to the cars along the street. Under some bushes beside a fence – a common yellow-throat was busy in the mulch.

We got back into the cars and continued to the Middle Branch Park boathouse. We trooped over the wet grass to paved paths were full of puddles. I was glad I’d worn my boots! I saw a Baltimore Oriole and managed to photograph an orchard oriole.

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The last bird of the day was a kingbird that seemed to pose for pictures – moving to show both sides.

Tomorrow I’ll post about our birding around Fort McHenry.